Hello there, today I want to discuss of a frequent question... Do you consider yourself an animal lover?

I think that this sentence has lost meaning, because everyone likes to consider to themselves animal lover, but what really means that.

In my case I have a dog (Teo) and since my childhood to the past year I used to have a cute and special dog (Sofi) and those pets are really important in my life as another member of the family. 

I think that having pets and love them is not enough to consider yourself a "animal lover" because there are too many kind of animals and not necessarily you have to love them all in a fake attempt to be a "good person" because too many people if you don´t consider yourself a animal lover they judge you like you are the worst... but they are only words I preffer to say that I love my pets, take care of them and respect animals as a being that feels.

For example I think the most important to take care of all species equally, preserve the populations of endemic animals and their habitats and don´t make them a entertainment (zoos or the hunting as a sport) or test in animals things that you will never even consider to test in humans.

Finally I would like to say that If I could be an animal I would choose to be a bird, cause I dream to experience what feel what is feels like to fly and go anywhere or places that humans can´t reach.
                 Colibrí - Características, Tipos y Hábitat | CurioSfera-Animales ✓


  1. How inspiring what you write, I like it very much!
    I would also like to be a bird to know what it feels like to fly.


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